So many things I used to thin would mark me being grown up. First I thought it was when I got a job, then when I bought my first car, then when I moved out of home, then when I had a child, left my ex, then little things like booking the car in for a service on time, remembering that rego was due despite the fact I didn't recieve the letter... But today is a big one.
On Saturday we came home and discovered that our English angora, Rob Anybody, had Floppy Bunny Syndrome. I spent the next 24 hours nursing him, keeping him warm and hydrated, trying to get food into him, every hour. He looked to be pulling through but sadly at around midday on Sunday he slipped away. He was calm and peaceful and not in any pain. My son Ianto is heartbroken (Anouke is too young to comprehend death). But the thing that has made this a 'grown up' moment is that I have to bury him. It is a chore I would rather not do. I really don't want to go out in the rain, dig a hole and place my lovely bunny in it and cover him over. But there is no one else to do it, and I feel that I should too. This is something that has to be done. It can't be got away from and it feels heavy. I can put off dealing with his hutch til the sadness subsides, I can leave the fibre I harvested from him and hadn't got around to dealing with yet but I can't put this off. So today I feel like an adult. And it sucks.
Big hugs, yeap it sure sucks to be burying a little animal friend.
ReplyDeleteStrangely, on the topic of being a Real Grown Up, I *still* only feel like one sometimes. Having kids didn't do it, neither did getting married, getting a mortgage, getting a job or even getting my ears pierced. My current theory is that getting a dog will one day turn me into an Adult. If that doesn't work, I may have to resort to tattoos.
I can't be there in person so I'm standing beside you in spirit. It sucks to be an adult sometimes. I'm so sorry.
ReplyDeleteBurying a much loved fur baby is a very hard thing to do, it's something that still upsets me greatly even though it's something I've dealt with a lot in my life.
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you xx
Lots of love xxx You know where we are ;-)